How to earn money with Upwork

 How to earn money with Upwork

Freelancing has become a solid career option in this digital world. Everyone is trying to get a permanent remote job or a freelancing job for their flexibility. One of the most popular platforms that provides you a best ecosystem for freelancing is Upwork. Upwork have millions of clients and freelancers around all the world to provide best services. Upwork offers various fields like programming, developing, video editing, designing and marketing also. By reading this article, you will be able to know which step you have to take to get in freelancing through a best platform Upwork.

Setting a Professional Profile

            Your Upwork profile is the first impression on the clients. So, it should be professional and compelling. It is a kind of cv for others and according to your profile they will hire you.

Profile Picture & title

            For a profile picture use a decent and smiling picture to look professional. Professional profile pic will give a good impression on coming clients. The title of your profile should be straight forward and clear like ‘Front-End Web Developer’ instead of Web Developer.

Overview Skills

            The overview of your profile should be concise and must highlight your skills and experience. Also highlight the unique things about you. Mention all the related certificates and projects you have worked on. List down all the skills you have so that clients can easily check what services you can give to them and your expertise.


            Highlight the best work you have ever done according to your skills on your portfolio. If you are facing of lack a professional portfolio then just try to make some projects from your fellows or make a sample work to highlight it on your portfolio. Your past clients review on your portfolio is a very good and significant impression on upcoming clients and also this will boost your job opportunity.

Choose Right Job

            Finding the job, you required or you deserve is difficult but also quite easy if you follow some steps that are given below:

Budget & Job Description

            First of all, read the description of client carefully and check weather you are the person he is looking for or not. Your skills can meet his job requirement or not. Give them competitive budget, so they will must short list your name and you get maximum chance to get hired. If you give them very low budget, they will think you are a scammer or not highly experienced.

Client History

            Must check the client history and his previous feedbacks from other freelancers, so that you will get to know how’s that client is. If the payment record is good and the reviews are positive so it’s the maximum possibility that your experience with that client should be good.


            While submitting a proposal must check the number of proposals already submitted. If the number of proposals already submitted is very high so it’s better to leave that job because as a beginner it is quite tough to get hired in such cases. If the number of proposals is less so it’s a great value for you to submit your proposal and your chance for job will be very high.

Proposal Crafting

            First impression on the client is your proposal, so your proposal must be strong and good enough. Submit your proposal to every client with different style. Don’t use same template for every client for sending a proposal.


            First of all, call the client by its name and give him respect. Mention all desired details about your skills and job posting. This thing will show him that you have take the time for reading and understanding his needs and requirements.

Value Proposition

            Highlight your skills and experience and clear that you are best for them to get this job. Highlight your past work and clear them in a decent and professional way how you can solve their problem or meet their exact requirements.

Clear Communication

            In the communication with client must follow some rules. Be concise with your client even in proposal and deal with them professionally. Highlight all of your ideas according to their requirements and tell them about your initial thoughts. Don’t forget that your proposal must be Grammarly errors free and also it doesn’t contain any typing mistake.

Excellent in Your Work

By delivering high quality work and meeting the exact requirements of client is a key to success in freelancer in Upwork.

Understanding Client’s requirement

            Feel free to communicate with your client and clarify all your thoughts and uncertainties. Must understand fully expectations of your client. By doing this you will be able to deliver what the client wants and meets his exact requirements.

Meeting Deadlines

            To build a healthy relation with client and want to work with him for a long period of time must deliver the work on time or before the time. Plan your work and do it as soon as possible and if you want any delay must communicate with client in advance. This will lead you to get a positive review. Positive review will help you to rank and get your profile up on advance level or Pro level.


            Your first and top most priority should be quality work as the client needs. If you will exceed the client requirements it’s a bonus for you to get together with that client. Be open with client and allow him for revisions to ensure he’s satisfied with you. Satisfaction of your client must be your priority.

Some additional points are given below:

·         Build Long-term Relationships

·         Managing Finances

·         Scale Your Freelance Business

·         Navigate Upwork Guidelines & Polices

·         Enhance Your Skills

·         Networking & Community Engagement

·         Utilize Upwork Additional Features


            To be a successful freelancer on Upwork is not a over night achievement. It is result of planning, dedication and continuous learning. For be a best freelancer you have to establish a strong profile, select right jobs, write concise and perfect proposals and deliver high quality work to clients. By engaging with Upwork policies you will be able to use additional and new features of Upwork to strong your profile. With consistency and loyalty with work, Upwork is a strong and best platform to achieve your financial goals and you will be a professional freelance.

For part time and full time both Upwork offers you best tools and services to be a successful freelancer.

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