How to earn money by typing

How to earn money by typing

To start a typing job first of all you need to have some typing experience and also typing knowledge. There’s no need of fast typing speed but if you have it’s an extra bonus for you. There are various number of typing jobs online for beginners and students. Some typing jobs require a type of investment but mostly platforms allow you to word without any investment.

If you are a student, housewife or a student such typing jobs are best and considerable option for you:

        ·         Data Entry Jobs

        ·         Captcha Entry Jobs

        ·         Transcription Jobs

        ·         Content Writing Jobs

        ·         Virtual Assistant Jobs

        ·         Online Surveys & form Filling


Data Entry Jobs:

                Data Entry jobs contain typing data in to online forms and in excel spreadsheets. These jobs required time and a little bit experience of typing or typing speed. Some time these jobs required knowledge of special software. 

Transcription Jobs:

                Transcription jobs include audio and video recordings and typing spoken words. This job require typing speed more than 50 WPM, good listening skill and accuracy of typing also. It also require good head sets and keyboard. 

Virtual Assistant Job:

                Virtual Assistant job include support to clients and replying to their queries, answering emails and managing social media accounts. For this job u have to be a good social media account manager good communication skills also. 

Content Writing Job:

                This job includes blog posts, article writing and website content writing for clients. This job requires good prompt user and also a professional writing skill. Computer software like word processor is used to handle these type of jobs. 

Captcha Entry Job:

                Captcha entry job involve typing numbers correcting images and entering characters as shown in the given image. These type of job is easy but needs more time and accuracy. This job pay is less than others but it is good to start with this type of job. It also require a healthy internet. 

Online Survey & Form Filling:

                This job include filling forms & surveys for our clients. This type of job is easy and require a good time and accuracy. Surveys are organising by some authorised companies to get out result of required field or platform. 

 Best platform to find typing jobs online

        1.      Fiverr

        2.      Freelancer

        3.      upwork

        4.      PeoplePerHour 


                Fiverr is freelancing platform that offers a huge rage of data entry job, logo designing, coding and content writing. It’s easy to startup with fiverr in pakistan. This require a basic English email-address and designated payment method. Now u are ready to earn money with content writing or other typing jobs with a best platform like fiverr. 


            Freelancer is also a freelancing platform with million of typing jobs, content writing and transcription. This platform is same like others and you have to tell about your skill and profession. Sign up with freelancer and start your work today. 


                There are million of job opportunities of content writing and other typing jobs on Upwork. It’s a proffesional platform to provide jobs. You will get limited connects to get hired for a job. 


                PeoplePerHour is a unique platform for beginners to grow in a short time. PeoplePerHour provide you thousands of jobs for content writing, article writing, transcriptions and survey jobs.


Skills Required for Typing Jobs

Typing speed is no doubt valuable but we need some other skills to improve out job-ability. Here are some major factors that would effect your typing experience: 


                Fast typing is best advantage in typing jobs but accuracy is also a main factor that will help you a lot to maximise your job-ability. Accuracy will increase our typing experience and typing speed also. 

Listening Skills:

                Like the job of transcription we have to listen audio files and to write it in raw documents. If your listening skill is good this will help you a lot while doing your work. This will increase the typing experience as well as speed also. 

Time Management:

                 Most of the typing jobs come with deadlines and you have to manage your time to submit your work on time. Time management is key to success. Moreover, Time management should be our first priority in every field of life.

How to apply for Typing Jobs

            Your can apply for online typing jobs like (i.e content writing, article writing etc) on any freelancing platform. Some steps are very common before applying to any job. These steps are given below:


            Register or sign up with the platform and make your account. There are no registration fees on these type of websites. Also no need to pay any type of security fees or any investment. These website provide you an environment free of cost.

Apply for Online Typing Jobs:

            First of all go to the section or page of that website which directs you towards work or freelancer. Then sort that page with the job who require a typing master. If they find you as a good worker they will reach you as soon as possible.

Pass the Typing Test:

            After apply for a job they will test your skill by giving you a small task or a typing test. You have to pass out from that test. They may give you a scanned form of document and you have to type it in MS word. This is the most common way to check the ability and efficiency of a candidate.

Start Working:

            If they are satisfied with your work after passing the test, then they will hire you as a worker or freelancer. They will assign you tasks to do which you have to fulfil in daily basis or weekly basis.


            Online typing jobs are very easy way to earn money from home. It just need basic requirements like typing speed, time management and accuracy. Moreover, a reliable and good speed of internet is a plus point and you must be able to read speak and listen English. Some times other languages like Spanish German and other language is the basic requirement of typing jobs.

The earning of these type of jobs vary depending on the job type, number of working hours and job experience also. A survey result is: Data entry jobs pay between Rs. 25000 and Rs. 45000 per month, while transcription jobs can pay you around Rs. 30000 and Rs. 60000 per month. More experience and skills lead you towards healthy income.

Moreover, Typing jobs giving a great opportunity to beginners to start earning money online and easily. With increase of regular practice you can earn more in online typing jobs.

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