How to Earn Money By Filling Captcha

 How to Earn Money By Filling Captch


            In this modern world of internet making money online is every easy and also there are multiple ways & opportunities to earn money. The one and easiest way to earn money online is filling Captcha online. Captcha is a way to differentiate between bot or robots and humans. This is used to find weather human user is surfing the web page or robot user. Now a days, filling Captcha becomes very popular way to earn money online and also a source of income for many. By reading this blog you will be able to find How to earn money by filling Captcha and all the procedure to success.

What are Captchas?

            Captchas are designed to differentiate between human users and automated bot or robots. Most probably, they are used in websites to prevent spamming and unauthorized access. Captchas are of different form like:

·         Text-Based: In this type of Captcha user needs to enter the text in text field and the text will show in image.

·         Image-Based: In this Captcha user needs to select the images describe in that section. User have to click on the right images as described above in that section.

·         ReCaptcha: It is advanced captcha form which is developed by Google. User needs to identify images by clicking on a simple checkbox.

·         Audio Captchas: In this type of Captchas, user needs to listen the audio and have to write character or digits what he hears.

Getting Started

Research and Choose Platform:

            There are a lot of websites that are paying you for filling Captchas. Some have difficult payment methods, so we need to research before choosing a website. Selected website must be legit and well-reviewed. Some most popular and legit websites are:

·         Kolotibablo

·         2Captcha

·         CaptachaTypers

·         ProTypers

Register and Create Account:

            After deciding the website for Captcha work, you have to create account with that website. Mostly this is not a complicated procedure. You have to provide them your Email, Payment Method and some other details for verification like name, address etc.


            Some websites are available on internet to train you for this job. They will give you practice Captchas for your accuracy and to well addressed by this system.

Platforms For Captcha



            Kolotibablo is the most reliable and most trusted website to earn money by filling Captcha. They will give you consistent payments. It will provide you a variety of Captchas including image and text-based captchas.


            The pay rate of this website is about $0.35 to $1 per 1000 Captchas solved. The pay rate is depended on the difficulty and accuracy.

Payment Methods:

            Kolotibablo give you payments through Paypal, WebMoney and Bitcoin.

Tips to Success:

·         Maintain high accuracy to increase and to maximize your pay rate

·         Word hard or more in the peak hours to access the high paying Captchas.



            2Captcha is well known and popular platform with an easy and decent interference to work. This platform also provides several types of captchas. This will give you instant payment within minutes.


            The pay rate of 2Captcha is about $0.20 to $0.80 per 1000 captchas. The pay rate is low but the earning is very simple with this platform.

Payment Methods:

            2Captcha give you several payments methods. These are PayPal, WebMoney, Bitcoin and some other local payment methods.

Tip for Success:

·         Fill the captcha quickly but maintain the accuracy

·         Use the provided training software to get through with different types of captchas



            CaptchaTypers offers only one type of captcha. It gives you to solve text type captcha which is quite easy and quick to solve. Mostly users solve only text type captchas.


            CaptchaTypers gives you high rate than other platforms. Pay rate of this platform is starting from $0.42 to $1.55 per 1000 captchas.

Payments Methods:

            Payment methods of CaptchaTypers are just Paypal and WebMoney. This is the only way you can receive money from this platform.

Tips to Success:

·         Work during U.S time zone to access more captchas

·         Consistency and also accuracy will give you extra bonus



            ProTypers is worldwide platform for users to earn money by filling captchas. Global audience come to this platform to earn money. This platform provides you text and images types captchas.


            Pay rate of ProTypers is very shocking because they will pay you $0.45 to $1.50 per 1000 captchas.

Payment Methods:

            They will pay you through PayPal, Western Union, WebMoney and Bitcoin. They will pay you instantly.

Tips to Succes:

·         Referring friends is a great way to earn a lot of money from this platform

·         As usual accuracy will increase your pay rate also

Potential Earnings

            To maximize your earnings here are some steps to follow to increase your pay rate:

·         Accuracy: Most effective thing in captcha typing job is accuracy. If you have better accuracy your pay rate will be increased. Pay rate is directly proportional to accuracy of typing or entering captchas.

·         Speed: If you enter captcha fast and solve more captcha your earnings automatically increased.

·         Time of Work: Your pay rate also depends on time of work. There are some specific time and peak hours in which you will get maximum pay rate.

Now a days, average earning of captcha job holders are $0.50 to $2 per hour. This is a great amount for beginners to start up earning online in easiest way.

Challenges in Captcha Typing Job

            Some challenges you can face while doing captcha typing job are:

·         Low Pay Rates

·         Repetitive Nature

·         Scams Platforms

·         Payment Issues

Tips to Maximize Your Earnings

            To maximize your earnings some important points are given below:

·         Practice Regularly

·         Use Multiple Platforms

·         Optimize Your Work

·         Stay Updated with Platform

·         Referral Programs


            Earning money from captcha typing job is a good considerable option for part time job. While, this job cannot give you passive income. It is a good source of income, if you want extra money in extra time. You can earn good income if you work efficiently and focus on accuracy and speed as well. However, be aware from scam platforms. If you are a beginner and want to earn money, so it is a good idea to start up and you will get to know how to earn money online. Best wishes with you.

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